Weekly Picks

Swampy Crocodile

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No matter how much you try to wash the crocodile – he always has little water. He loves to swim in the bathtub so much that other crocodiles gnawed through all the pipes out of envy. Is it possible to deprive such a cute hero of the benefits of civilization? Give him back the water as soon as possible. He sits underground and waits until at least a drop of water drips.

Where’s My Water is a cute adventure about a green reptile who is too gentle. And you, like a real hero, must save him from dirt and dust. To do this, you have to think carefully. First of all, the game offers a simple tutorial in a few steps. You will be shown exactly how you need to control the water so that it ends up with the crocodile. Immediately after that, get ducks and open your first level. Easy, right? Move on.

Time after time we will return the water to little Swampy. He continues to luxuriate in the bathroom, and you go to the next test. Cool graphics that disarm even the most demanding users. A cute main character whose emotions hit through the top. A few setbacks and he’s already in tears. But when everything works out for you, he will give you his sincere joy and a radiant toothy smile.

What’s wrong with this sewer?

This underworld is inhabited by moss and slime. If you do not turn the flow of water correctly, your crocodile is all smeared in this mucus. Strong walls will also become a kind of barrier. Water does not flow through them and you need to look for a workaround. The game is filled with a lot of tasks and puzzles. Sometimes you have to spend a lot of time to understand the mechanism of action. And sometimes the answers come quickly and unexpectedly.

Where’s My Water develops not only ingenuity, but also mindfulness. After all, one careless decision – and you were deprived of ducks. Ducks are needed to further advance through the levels. Once you have earned enough ducks, move on to the next challenge. Train your brain and enjoy the pleasant company of a little crocodile.